OWL FEST: Event Wristbands

OWL FEST: Event Wristbands

from $1.00


Event wristbands can be purchased at any time, but you can avoid lines, the day off, if you purchase ahead of time and pick up the week of 5/29 - 6/2!

What it gets you:

Unlimited access to games and bouncy obstacle course/ bouncy slide.


Sliding scale from $1 - $10, with a suggestion of $5. This allows us to be sure that all kids have access to this event, and no child is turned away from the day of fun!

The proceeds help cover cost of the event.

Want to sponsor a student? Buy an extra wristband or two or ten, and let us know you’d like to donate them! We’ll be sure they go to happy kids!

Disclaimer: We haven’t ordered the bracelets yet, so these aren’t actual photos. They’re just pretty. Bracelet colors will NOT be representative of price paid. All will be a random mix or will be the same color.

Sliding Scale:
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