PTA MEETING - 5/18/23

Please join us for our LAST PTA meeting of the year! We’ll vote on the budget for 2023-24, not for our elected PTA board members for the upcoming school year, and give update for Owl Fest, and more!

DATE: Thursday, May 18th, 2023

TIME: 5:45 pm, call to order at 6:00 pm

AGENDA: 5/18/23


LINK TO MEETING: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84644263736?pwd=ME5vRDc1Ykt1MXJLZTNHVUZHYVBsQT09

MEETING ID: 846 4426 3736

PASSCODE: 172261

CALL-IN NUMBER: +1 (669) 900 6833

MEETING ID: 846 4426 3736

PASSCODE: 172261

Please email vernonpta@gmail.com with any questions.


Please join us for a Meet & Greet

WHERE: Vernon Playground

WHEN: Saturday, May 20th

TIME: 10:00am - 12:00pmDATE: Saturday, May 20th, 11:00am - 12:00 pm

Connect with incoming kindergarten and 1st grade families.

Meet our wonderful Kindergarten Teachers & Principals

Let’s take a moment to meet before the summer begins!


Vernon Spring Book Fair - 5/30 - 6/2

Vernon’s Spring Book Fair is coming up soon! And it’s a buy-one-get-one-free for the in-person fair in the MPR! Time to stock up on summer reading, and help support our Vernon Library!

WHERE: Vernon School MPR (Auditorium)

WHEN: Tuesday 5/30 - Friday 6/2, 8:30am - 9am, 3:15pm - 4pm

Volunteers are needed to make this happen!

Click link below to sign up!

Garden work party - 5/21/23

Portland Nursery has donated some native plants to the vegetable garden thanks to the 5th graders writing letters, and Ms. Jane will be purchasing some more with the money from our neighbor Anne's plant sale! We need to get new areas on the north and south side of the garden ready. This entails moving compost piles around, placing layers of newspaper over the berms we make to prevent weeds from growing, and then spreading a little more compost on top of the newspaper. In addition, the rain gardens in the back courtyard need a little work, especially before Owl Fest!.

If anyone has access to a small chipper/shredder, it would really help in reducing the size of all the grapevines and old sunflower stalks. Ms. Jane had planned to move them to the north end and then cover them with compost, but it looks as if there might be too many for the area if we don't cut them into smaller pieces.

Vernon Garden

WHEN: Sunday, May 21st

TIME: 10:00am - 12:00pm

Please join us!

OWl fest - 6/3/23

Vernon’s 1st Annual Owl Fest is an end-of-the-year celebration with music, food, fun & more!

It’s open to the entire community, so spread the word. Tell your whole family, and all your friends - It’s bound to be a blast.

WHERE: Vernon School*

WHEN: Saturday, June 3rd

TIME: 3:00 - 7:00 pm

Clink on link below for more info on the event, and presale of swag!


It’s going to take many hands to make this happen. Wanna lend one or two? Please click on the SignUp Genius link here:


Questions? Contact Simone Nagle at Simon.nagle.msw@gmail.com & Maya Pueo von Geldern at vernonpta@gmail.com