Welcome to the Vernon PTA!
Please join us for a state funding forum at Roosevelt High School TONIGHT! This is an important opportunity to hear from our representatives and PPS leaders, and for them to hear from us! There is power in numbers and they need to know that we’re dedicated to seeing that our schools are funded to QEM. The QEM, or Quality Education Model, establishes the costs of providing the education programs necessary for Oregon's children to meet educational goals, and is constitutionally required.
Oregon has never funded to QEM, because of a loophole in the way the law is written, which allows a simple report to be filled if not met. This puts our education system behind $22 billion over the years, so that we’re always working from behind. It’s dire that we advocate for the state to finally fund to QEM, before we face a $40 mil cut in PPS next year.
This forum is open to all, and we encourage you to register and get your questions in ahead of time.
Click to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IUfxvLCiI9LKrmhkJnkAQdToTq3VL3hXZhlfzh-T9Ns/viewform?ts=679d3c76&edit_requested=true
Please feel free to reach out to me with questions, in comments or via email: vernonptamaya@gmail.com
February is Black History Month. This observance is a chance to understand Black histories, going beyond stories of racism and slavery to spotlight Black achievement. It’s also an opportunity to provide a fresh reminder to take stock of where systemic racism persists and give visibility to the people and organizations creating change.
Schools across the district are participating throughout the district, with gatherings, curriculum, decorations and other more.
Vernon will be celebrating with events throughout the month, as well as an evening event on Monday, 2/27/25. This is a collaborative event between Vernon educators, SUN School and our Families of Black Students affinity group. It is sure to be a great night! See below for Evening Event details, and below that, the plans for the whole month!
WHERE: Vernon School
WHEN: Thursday, February 27th details to come!
There will be weekly themes all month long. More details to come!
The next few months will be filled with community events, both educational and fun! Here’s a peek at what’s to come at Vernon.
Community Conversations - 1/30/25
Black History Month Celebration - 2/27/25
Vernon Gallery Night - 3/13/25
Raise Craze - TBD
Kennedy School Dine-Out Night - TBD
STEAM Night - TBD - April
Owl Fest - 6/7/25
Are you interested in volunteering? Let us know!